Mac-Source 1994 July
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* Need to dispose of the Apple Event handlers?
* Need to check for new Std Get File routines.
* EventLog - TransDisplay event-logging demonstration program
* The project should include EventLog.c (this file), TransDisplay.c
* (or a project made from TransDisplay.c), TransSkel.c (or a project
* made from TransSkel.c), and MacTraps.
* 08 Nov 86 Paul DuBois
* 28 Dec 86 Removed window zooming constants, since LightspeedC
* v. 2.01 now supports them directly.
* 01 Feb 89 Modified for TransSkel 2.0. 2-byte and 4-byte integer
* types are typedef'ed to Integer and Longint to ease porting.
* 05 Jun 93
* - Use SkelDlogFilter() in DoAbout() so that update events for document
* windows are seen and logged.
* - Conversion for THINK C 6.0. Also conversion for TransSkel 3.00.
* 16 Oct 93
* - Added some support for OS and high-level events. Open Application,
* Quit Application, Open Documents, and Print Documents are reported
* (i.e., the four required core Apple Events).
* Apple Event logging is a little different than other events, since not
* all event information is in the EventRecord. They're just reported through
* the regular Apple Event routing mechanism.
* 19 Oct 93
* - Add Launch item to File menu to prepare for allowing app launches so
* can catch app-died events. Add handler for Application Died Apple Event.
* 06 Nov 93
* - ReportKey() now reports the key code in addition to the character, in
* keeping with a change made some time ago to TransSkel's key handler that
* passes both.
* 04 Jan 94
* - Undid Integer/LongInt type stuff back to short/long.
* 18 Jan 94
* - Updated for TransDisplay 3.04.
* 21 Feb 94
* - Updated for TransSkel 3.11, TransDisplay 3.05.
#include <GestaltEqu.h>
#include <AppleEvents.h>
#include "TransSkel.h"
#include "TransDisplay.h"
#define PtToLong(pt) (* (long *) &pt)
#define maxButton 19
#define helpTextRes 1000 /* help text resource number */
#define aboutAlrtRes 1000 /* About... alert resource number */
typedef enum /* Menu resource numbers */
fileMenuRes = 1000,
typedef enum /* Window resource numbers */
logWindRes = 1000,
typedef enum /* File menu item numbers */
showLog = 1, /* make windows visible/bring to front */
/* --- */
launchApp = 5,
/* --- */
quit = 7
typedef enum /* Edit menu item numbers */
undo = 1,
/* --- */
cut = 3,
typedef enum /* Log menu item numbers */
logEvents = 1, /* whether events are logged */
/* --- */
flushLog = 4, /* flush log output */
/* --- */
wrapStyle = 6, /* word wrap or not */
/* --- */
leftJust = 8, /* justification */
/* --- */
small = 12, /* text size */
/* --- */
top = 16, /* scroll home */
bottom /* scroll to bottom */
typedef struct CtrlInfo
Point loc; /* upper left of control */
Str255 title; /* control title */
Boolean *flagAddr; /* associated boolean */
ControlHandle ctrl; /* associated control */
struct CtrlInfo *subInfo; /* subsidiary control */
} CtrlInfo;
WindowPtr selectWind; /* event selection window */
WindowPtr helpWind; /* help text window */
WindowPtr logWind; /* log output window */
MenuHandle fileMenu;
MenuHandle editMenu;
MenuHandle logMenu;
Boolean reportEvents; /* report events or not */
Boolean excludeLog; /* exclude log window events or not */
short logFont;
short logSize;
short logWrap;
short logJust;
Boolean /* event type selection flags */
rMouseDown = true,
rMouseMods = false,
rMouseWind = true,
rMouseLoc = false,
rMousePart = true,
rMouseSys = false,
rMouseUp = false,
rKeyDown = true,
rKDMods = false,
rAutoKey = true,
rAKMods = false,
rUpdate = true,
rActivate = true,
rDisk = true,
rOS = true,
rOSSuspendResume = true,
rOSMouseMoved = true,
rOSChildDied = true,
rHighLevel = true;
Control information. The last field is used to tell which controls
are "owned" by another. When the owner is unchecked, all the owned
controls go dim.
CtrlInfo ctrlInfo [maxButton] =
{ { 5, 10}, "\pMouse Down", &rMouseDown, nil, nil },
{ { 25, 30}, "\pModifiers", &rMouseMods, nil, &ctrlInfo[0] },
{ { 45, 30}, "\pWindow", &rMouseWind, nil, &ctrlInfo[0] },
{ { 65, 30}, "\pLocation", &rMouseLoc, nil, &ctrlInfo[0] },
{ { 85, 30}, "\pPart Code", &rMousePart, nil, &ctrlInfo[0] },
{ { 105, 30}, "\pSystem Clicks", &rMouseSys, nil, &ctrlInfo[0] },
{ { 125, 10}, "\pMouse Up", &rMouseUp, nil, nil },
{ { 5, 150}, "\pKey Down", &rKeyDown, nil, nil },
{ { 25, 170}, "\pModifiers", &rKDMods, nil, &ctrlInfo[7] },
{ { 45, 150}, "\pAutoKey", &rAutoKey, nil, nil },
{ { 65, 170}, "\pModifiers", &rAKMods, nil, &ctrlInfo[9] },
{ { 85, 150}, "\pUpdate", &rUpdate, nil, nil },
{ { 105, 150}, "\pActivate", &rActivate, nil, nil },
{ { 125, 150}, "\pDisk", &rDisk, nil, nil },
{ { 5, 265}, "\pOS Event", &rOS, nil, nil },
{ { 25, 285}, "\pSuspend", &rOSSuspendResume, nil, &ctrlInfo[14] },
{ { 45, 285}, "\pMouse Moved", &rOSMouseMoved, nil, &ctrlInfo[14] },
{ { 65, 285}, "\pChild Died", &rOSChildDied, nil, &ctrlInfo[14] },
{ { 85, 265}, "\pHigh Level", &rHighLevel, nil, nil }
/* Window that was in front last time checked */
WindowPtr lastFront = nil;
static Boolean inForeground = true;
Print information about a window. If it's a window with a title,
print the title. Print whether it's a desk accessory window.
static void
WindowInfo (theWind)
WindowPeek theWind;
Str255 title;
GetWTitle ((WindowPtr) theWind, title);
if (title[0] != 0) /* window has title */
DisplayChar (' ');
DisplayString (title);
if (theWind->windowKind < 0)
DisplayString ("\p (DA)");
static void
Modifiers (mods)
short mods;
DisplayString ("\p modifiers 0x");
DisplayHexShort (mods);
static void
MouseLoc (thePt, thePort)
Point thePt;
GrafPtr thePort;
GrafPtr savePort;
GetPort (&savePort);
SetPort (thePort);
GlobalToLocal (&thePt);
SetPort (savePort);
if (rMouseLoc)
DisplayString ("\p loc (");
DisplayShort (thePt.h);
DisplayString ("\p, ");
DisplayShort (thePt.v);
DisplayChar (')');
Mouse click. Get the window that the click occurred in, and the
part of the window.
Make sure to get all the part codes! (incl. zoom box stuff)
static void
ReportMouse (EventRecord *theEvent)
Point evtPt;
short evtPart;
GrafPtr evtPort;
evtPt = theEvent->where;
evtPart = FindWindow (evtPt, &evtPort);
if (excludeLog && evtPort == logWind)
DisplayString ("\pMouse click");
switch (evtPart)
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in unknown part code ");
DisplayShort (evtPart);
* Click in a desk accessory window.
case inSysWindow:
if (rMouseSys)
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in system window:");
if (rMouseWind)
WindowInfo ((WindowPeek) evtPort);
MouseLoc (evtPt, evtPort);
* Click in desk top.
case inDesk:
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in desktop");
* Click in menu bar.
case inMenuBar:
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in menu bar");
* Click in grow box.
case inGrow:
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in grow region:");
if (rMouseWind)
WindowInfo ((WindowPeek) evtPort);
MouseLoc (evtPt, evtPort);
* Click in title bar.
case inDrag:
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in drag region:");
if (rMouseWind)
WindowInfo ((WindowPeek) evtPort);
* Click in close box.
case inGoAway:
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in close box:");
if (rMouseWind)
WindowInfo ((WindowPeek) evtPort);
* Click in zoom-in box.
case inZoomIn:
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in zoom-in box:");
if (rMouseWind)
WindowInfo ((WindowPeek) evtPort);
* Click in zoom-out box.
case inZoomOut:
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in zoom-out box:");
if (rMouseWind)
WindowInfo ((WindowPeek) evtPort);
* Click in content region.
* (some day - check if in control, and if so, print control information)
case inContent:
if (rMousePart)
DisplayString ("\p in content region:");
if (rMouseWind)
WindowInfo ((WindowPeek) evtPort);
MouseLoc (evtPt, evtPort);
if (rMouseMods)
Modifiers (theEvent->modifiers);
DisplayLn ();
* The high bit of the key code is set if the event is a key up event.
* Actually, this will never be reported since the default event mask
* excludes key ups. I'm not sure the system reports them anymore anyway,
* even if you change the event mask...
static void
ReportKey (short what, char c, unsigned char code, short mods, Boolean modFlag)
if (what == keyDown)
DisplayString ("\pKey down: char '");
DisplayString ("\pAutokey: char '");
DisplayChar (c);
DisplayString ("\p', code 0x");
DisplayHexShort ((short) code);
if (modFlag)
DisplayString ("\p,");
Modifiers (mods);
DisplayLn ();
static void
ReportActivate (WindowPtr theWind, short mods)
if ((mods & activeFlag) != 0)
DisplayString ("\pActivate:");
DisplayString ("\pDeactivate:");
WindowInfo ((WindowPeek) theWind);
DisplayLn ();
static void
ReportUpdate (WindowPtr theWind)
DisplayString ("\pUpdate:");
WindowInfo ((WindowPeek) (WindowPeek) theWind);
DisplayLn ();
* General event logger. This is essentially a modified copy of
* SkelRouteEvent(). Null events are not recorded because they occur
* too frequently.
static pascal Boolean
LogEvent (EventRecord *theEvent)
Point evtPt;
long evtMsge;
GrafPtr tmpPort;
short evtPart;
char evtChar;
unsigned char evtCode;
short evtMods;
Rect r;
short osMsge;
Boolean osSuspend;
Boolean osClipCvt;
if (theEvent->what != 0)
DisplayString ("\pEvent number: ");
DisplayLong ((long) theEvent->what);
DisplayLn ();
if (reportEvents == false)
return (false); /* don't do anything */
evtPt = theEvent->where;
evtMsge = theEvent->message;
evtMods = theEvent->modifiers;
switch (theEvent->what)
Mouse click.
case mouseDown:
if (rMouseDown)
ReportMouse (theEvent);
case mouseUp:
if (rMouseUp)
DisplayString ("\pMouse up\r");
Key event.
case keyDown:
if (excludeLog && FrontWindow () == logWind)
if (rKeyDown)
evtChar = evtMsge & charCodeMask;
evtCode = (evtMsge & keyCodeMask) >> 8;
ReportKey (keyDown, evtChar, evtCode, evtMods, rKDMods);
case autoKey:
if (excludeLog && FrontWindow () == logWind)
if (rKeyDown)
evtChar = evtMsge & charCodeMask;
evtCode = (evtMsge & keyCodeMask) >> 8;
ReportKey (autoKey, evtChar, evtCode, evtMods, rAKMods);
Update a window. If it's an update for the log window, invalidate
it, because the message is written and will cause a scroll BEFORE
the window actually gets updated. This means that part of what
needs redrawing will be scrolled out of the update region and won't
be redrawn properly. Invalidating the entire port is wasteful but
makes sure the whole window can be drawn properly.
case updateEvt:
if ((WindowPtr) evtMsge == logWind)
GetPort (&tmpPort);
SetPort (logWind);
InvalRect (&logWind->portRect);
SetPort (tmpPort);
if (excludeLog && (WindowPtr) evtMsge == logWind)
if (rUpdate)
ReportUpdate ((WindowPtr) evtMsge);
Activate or deactivate a window.
case activateEvt:
if (excludeLog && (WindowPtr) evtMsge == logWind)
if (rActivate)
ReportActivate ((WindowPtr) evtMsge, theEvent->modifiers);
handle inserts of uninitialized disks
case diskEvt:
if (rDisk)
DisplayString ("\pDisk insertion");
if (HiWord (evtMsge) != noErr)
DisplayString ("\p (needs initializing)");
DisplayLn ();
case osEvt: /* aka app4Evt aka MultiFinder event */
if (!rOS)
DisplayString ("\pOS event:");
/* rip the message field into constituent parts */
osMsge = ((evtMsge >> 24) & 0xff); /* high byte */
osSuspend = (Boolean) ((evtMsge & 1) == 0); /* suspend application */
osClipCvt = (Boolean) ((evtMsge & 2) != 0); /* convert clipboard ? */
switch (osMsge)
case 1: /* suspend or resume event */
inForeground = !osSuspend;
if (osSuspend) /* always convert on suspend */
osClipCvt = true;
if (inForeground)
DisplayString ("\p resume");
DisplayString ("\p suspend");
if (osClipCvt)
DisplayString ("\p (convert clipboard)");
DisplayString ("\p (do not convert clipboard)");
case 0xfa: /* mouse-moved event */
* Not likely to be executed since EventLog doesn't
* do anything about changing cursor
DisplayString ("\pmouse moved");
case 0xfd: /* child-died event */
/* SADE-only event */
/* child pid is byte 2 (evtMsge >> 16) & 0xffL) */
DisplayString ("\p sade (pid ");
DisplayShort ((evtMsge >> 16) & 0xff);
DisplayString ("\p)");
default: /* other event */
DisplayString ("\p unknown type");
DisplayLn ();
case kHighLevelEvent:
/* Handled by LogAppleEvent() */
return (false); /* never tell TransSkel the event was handled */
static pascal void
LogAppleEvent (EventRecord *theEvent)
if (!rHighLevel)
DisplayString ("\pHigh level event '");
DisplayOSType ((OSType) theEvent->message);
DisplayString ("\p' '");
DisplayOSType ((OSType) PtToLong (theEvent->where));
DisplayString ("\p'");
DisplayLn ();
AEProcessAppleEvent (theEvent);
* Handler for Open Application or Quit Application Apple Events.
* Reference constant is 0 for Open, 1 for Quit.
* Note that it must be a pascal function!
static pascal OSErr
AEOpenOrQuitApp (AppleEvent *theAEvt, AppleEvent *replyEvt, long refCon)
long items;
if (refCon == 0L)
DisplayString ("\pOpen Application Apple event");
DisplayString ("\pQuit Application Apple event");
DisplayLn ();
return (noErr);
* Handler for Open Document or Print Document Apple Events.
* Reference constant is 0 for Open, 1 for Print.
* Note that it must be a pascal function!
static pascal OSErr
AEOpenOrPrintDoc (AppleEvent *theAEvt, AppleEvent *replyEvt, long refCon)
long items, index;
FSSpec myFSS;
AEDescList docList;
AEKeyword keywd;
DescType returnedType;
long actualSize;
OSErr myErr;
if (refCon == 0L)
DisplayString ("\pOpen Document Apple event");
DisplayString ("\pPrint Document Apple event");
DisplayLn ();
myErr = AEGetParamDesc (theAEvt, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList);
if (myErr != noErr)
return (myErr);
/* should check for missing required parameters here */
DisplayString ("\pNumber of items: ");
if ((myErr = AECountItems (&docList, &items)) != noErr)
DisplayString ("\p(couldn't tell - error occurred)");
DisplayLn ();
return (myErr);
DisplayLong (items);
DisplayLn ();
for (index = 1; index <= items; index++)
myErr = AEGetNthPtr (&docList, index, typeFSS, &keywd, &returnedType,
&myFSS, sizeof (myFSS), &actualSize);
if (myErr != noErr)
return (myErr);
DisplayString ("\pItem ");
DisplayLong (index);
DisplayString ("\p: name = ");
DisplayString ((StringPtr) myFSS.name);
DisplayString ("\p, vRefNum = ");
DisplayShort (myFSS.vRefNum);
DisplayString ("\p, parID = ");
DisplayLong (myFSS.parID);
DisplayLn ();
myErr = AEDisposeDesc (&docList);
return (myErr);
* Handler for Application Died Apple Event.
* This will be called if/when any application launched by selecting
* File/Launch exits.
* Note that it must be a pascal function!
static pascal OSErr
AEAppDied (AppleEvent *theAEvt, AppleEvent *replyEvt, long refCon)
OSErr myErr;
OSErr appDiedErr;
DescType returnedType;
long actualSize;
ProcessSerialNumber psn;
DisplayString ("\pApplication Died Apple event");
DisplayLn ();
DisplayString ("\pProcess serial number: ");
myErr = AEGetParamPtr (theAEvt, keyProcessSerialNumber, typeProcessSerialNumber,
&returnedType, &psn, sizeof (psn), &actualSize);
if (myErr == noErr)
DisplayLong (psn.highLongOfPSN);
DisplayChar ('/');
DisplayLong (psn.lowLongOfPSN);
DisplayString ("\pcould not get psn.");
DisplayLn ();
DisplayString ("\pReturn status: ");
myErr = AEGetParamPtr (theAEvt, keyErrorNumber, typeLongInteger,
&returnedType, &appDiedErr, sizeof (appDiedErr), &actualSize);
if (myErr == noErr)
DisplayLong (appDiedErr);
DisplayString ("\pcould not get return status.");
DisplayLn ();
/* should check for missing required parameters here */
return (noErr);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Event Selection Window Handler Routines */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
Activate event procedure for both display windows and the checkbox
static pascal void
Activate (Boolean active)
Update window. This is easy, just draw the controls.
static pascal void
Update (Boolean resized)
DrawControls (selectWind);
Handle hits in check boxes of selection window:
Toggle check box, sync the associated flag, and enable or disable
any subsidiary check boxes accordingly. (Subsidiaries have
information in the control structure that points back to the owner
check box.)
static pascal void
Mouse (Point thePt, long t, short mods)
ControlHandle ctl;
CtrlInfo *ci;
Boolean val;
short i;
if (FindControl (thePt, selectWind, &ctl))
if (TrackControl (ctl, thePt, nil))
ci = (CtrlInfo *) GetCRefCon (ctl);
val = !GetCtlValue (ctl);
*(ci->flagAddr) = val;
SetCtlValue (ctl, val);
/* enable/disable any subsidiaries */
for (i = 0; i < maxButton; ++i)
if (ctrlInfo[i].subInfo->ctrl == ci->ctrl)
HiliteControl (ctrlInfo[i].ctrl, val ? 0 : 255);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* Menu Hook and Menu Handler Routines */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Menu hook procedure. Check front window, reset edit menu depending on
* whether front window is an application window or a DA window (items are
* only active for a DA window).
static pascal void
MyMenuHook (void)
WindowPtr w;
short theKind;
DisableItem (editMenu, undo);
DisableItem (editMenu, cut);
DisableItem (editMenu, copy);
DisableItem (editMenu, paste);
DisableItem (editMenu, clear);
if ((w = FrontWindow ()) != (WindowPtr) nil)
if (((WindowPeek) w)->windowKind < 0) /* DA in front */
EnableItem (editMenu, undo);
EnableItem (editMenu, cut);
EnableItem (editMenu, copy);
EnableItem (editMenu, paste);
EnableItem (editMenu, clear);
* Handle selection of About... item from Apple menu.
* Use of SkelDlogFilter() is important here because it makes
* sure the event hook is called even while the alert is up.
static pascal void
DoAbout (short item)
(void) SkelAlert (aboutAlrtRes, SkelDlogFilter (nil, true),
SkelRmveDlogFilter ();
* File menu handler.
* The launchApp item will be disable and cannot be selected unless
* the system supports the new standard file dialogs and application
* launching.
static pascal void
DoFileMenu (short item)
LaunchParamBlockRec lParams;
StandardFileReply appSFR;
SFTypeList types;
OSErr myErr;
switch (item)
case showHelp:
SelectWindow (helpWind);
ShowWindow (helpWind);
case showSelect:
SelectWindow (selectWind);
ShowWindow (selectWind);
case showLog:
SelectWindow (logWind);
ShowWindow (logWind);
case launchApp:
types[0] = 'APPL'; /* to launch any application */
StandardGetFile (nil, 1, types, &appSFR);
if (appSFR.sfGood)
lParams.launchBlockID = extendedBlock;
lParams.launchEPBLength = extendedBlockLen;
lParams.launchFileFlags = 0;
lParams.launchControlFlags = launchContinue + launchNoFileFlags;
lParams.launchAppSpec = &(appSFR.sfFile);
lParams.launchAppParameters = nil;
if ((myErr = LaunchApplication (&lParams)) != noErr)
DisplayString ("\pLaunch failed, error = \r");
DisplayLong (myErr);
DisplayLn ();
case quit:
SkelStopEventLoop ();
Put the right check marks in the Log menu
static pascal void
SetLogMenu ()
CheckItem (logMenu, logEvents, reportEvents);
CheckItem (logMenu, excludeLWind, excludeLog);
CheckItem (logMenu, wrapStyle, logWrap >= 0);
CheckItem (logMenu, leftJust, logJust == teJustLeft);
CheckItem (logMenu, centerJust, logJust == teJustCenter);
CheckItem (logMenu, rightJust, logJust == teJustRight);
CheckItem (logMenu, small, logSize == 9);
CheckItem (logMenu, medium, logSize == 12);
CheckItem (logMenu, large, logSize == 24);
Set display style of log window
static void
SetStyle ()
SetDWindowStyle (logWind, logFont, logSize, logWrap, logJust);
SetLogMenu ();
Log menu handler
static pascal void
DoLogMenu (short item)
switch (item)
case logEvents:
reportEvents = !reportEvents;
SetLogMenu ();
case excludeLWind:
excludeLog = !excludeLog;
SetLogMenu ();
case flushLog:
FlushDWindow (logWind, 32767L);
case wrapStyle:
logWrap = (logWrap >= 0 ? -1 : 0);
SetStyle ();
case leftJust:
logJust = teJustLeft;
SetStyle ();
case centerJust:
logJust = teJustCenter;
SetStyle ();
case rightJust:
logJust = teJustRight;
SetStyle ();
case small:
logFont = monaco;
logSize = 9;
SetStyle ();
case medium:
logFont = systemFont;
logSize = 12;
SetStyle ();
case large:
logFont = geneva;
logSize = 24;
SetStyle ();
case top:
SetDWindowPos (logWind, 0);
case bottom:
SetDWindowPos (logWind, 32767);
Dispose of event selection window (and controls)
static pascal void
WClobber (void)
DisposeWindow (selectWind);
Create controls
static void
MakeControls (theWind)
WindowPtr theWind;
short i;
CtrlInfo *ci;
Rect r;
for (i = 0; i < maxButton; ++i)
ci = &ctrlInfo[i];
SetRect (&r, ci->loc.h, ci->loc.v,
ci->loc.h + StringWidth (ci->title) + 30,
ci->loc.v + 20);
ci->ctrl = NewControl (theWind, &r, ci->title, true,
*(ci->flagAddr), 0, 1,
checkBoxProc, (long) ci);
ValidRect (&theWind->portRect);
* Disable high-level button if high-level events aren't present.
* (Assumes high-level button is last)
if (!rHighLevel)
HiliteControl (ctrlInfo[maxButton-1].ctrl, 255);
* Handle suspend/resume events. This function is called only if the
* "Suspend & Resume Events" bit is set in the 'SIZE' -1 resource. It
* assumes that the "MultiFinder-Aware" bit is also set, which means that
* the application handles activate/deactivate of frontmost window on
* suspend/resume:
* - On a suspend, deactivate the frontmost window.
* - On a resume, don't just blindly activate the frontmost window. The
* user may have brought the application to the front by clicking in some
* other window. That click will bring the other window to the front when
* it's processed, so the frontmost window will just immediately be deactivated
* after being activated. This is ugly. Instead, check whether or not a
* mouse click is in the event queue. If it is, and it's a click in the
* frontmost window, activate that window. Otherwise, don't activate anything.
* When the click is processed, the right window will be activated.
static pascal void
DoSuspendResume (Boolean inForeground)
EventRecord event;
WindowPtr w = FrontWindow ();
GrafPtr eventPort;
Boolean doActivate;
if (!inForeground) /* suspend is imminent */
SkelActivate (w, false);
else /* resume is imminent */
doActivate = true;
if (EventAvail (mDownMask, &event))
(void) FindWindow (event.where, &eventPort);
if (eventPort != w)
doActivate = false;
if (doActivate)
SkelActivate (w, true);
main ()
Handle h;
long result;
SkelInit ((SkelInitParamsPtr) nil);
* If Apple Events are available, install handlers for the core required
* events, and the Application Died event.
if (!SkelQuery (skelQHasAppleEvents))
rHighLevel = false;
SkelSetAEHandler (LogAppleEvent);
if (AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication,
AEOpenOrQuitApp, 0L, false) != noErr)
DisplayString ("\pAEInstallEventHandler failed (Open Application)\r");
if (AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication,
AEOpenOrQuitApp, 1L, false) != noErr)
DisplayString ("\pAEInstallEventHandler failed (Quit Application)\r");
if (AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments,
AEOpenOrPrintDoc, 0L, false) != noErr)
DisplayString ("\pAEInstallEventHandler failed (Open Documents)\r");
if (AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass, kAEPrintDocuments,
AEOpenOrPrintDoc, 1L, false) != noErr)
DisplayString ("\pAEInstallEventHandler failed (Print Documents)\r");
if (AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass, kAEApplicationDied,
AEAppDied, 0L, false) != noErr)
DisplayString ("\pAEInstallEventHandler failed (Application died)\r");
* Install menus and menu handlers
* Enable File menu Launch item only if System 7 launching available
* and can be done without terminating current application.
SkelApple ("\pAbout EventLog\311", DoAbout);
fileMenu = GetMenu (fileMenuRes);
(void) SkelMenu (fileMenu, DoFileMenu, nil, false, false);
DisableItem (fileMenu, launchApp);
if (SkelQuery (skelQHasGestalt) && Gestalt (gestaltOSAttr, &result) == noErr)
if ((result & (1L << gestaltLaunchFullFileSpec))
&& (result & (1L << gestaltLaunchCanReturn)))
EnableItem (fileMenu, launchApp);
editMenu = GetMenu (editMenuRes);
(void) SkelMenu (editMenu, nil, nil, false, false);
logMenu = GetMenu (logMenuRes);
(void) SkelMenu (logMenu, DoLogMenu, nil, false, true);
SkelSetMenuHook (MyMenuHook);
* Create windows and install handlers.
SetDWindowNotify (nil, Activate);
helpWind = GetNewDWindow (helpWindRes, (WindowPtr) -1L);
SetDWindowStyle (helpWind, 0, 0, 0, teJustLeft);
h = GetResource ('TEXT', helpTextRes); /* read help text */
HLock (h); /* lock it and write to window */
DisplayText (*h, GetHandleSize (h));
HUnlock (h);
ReleaseResource (h); /* done with it, so goodbye */
SetDWindowPos (helpWind, 0); /* scroll back to top */
/*ShowWindow (helpWind);*/
logWind = GetNewDWindow (logWindRes, (WindowPtr) -1L);
SkelSetEventHook (LogEvent);
reportEvents = true;
excludeLog = false;
logFont = monaco;
logSize = 9;
logWrap = 0;
logJust = teJustLeft;
SetStyle ();
ShowWindow (logWind);
if (SkelQuery (skelQHasColorQD))
selectWind = GetNewCWindow (selectWindRes, nil, (WindowPtr) -1L);
selectWind = GetNewWindow (selectWindRes, nil, (WindowPtr) -1L);
(void) SkelWindow (selectWind, /* the window */
Mouse, /* mouse click handler */
nil, /* key clicks are ignored */
Update, /* window updating procedure */
Activate, /* window activate/deactivate procedure */
nil, /* hide window */
WClobber, /* window disposal procedure */
nil, /* idle proc */
false); /* irrelevant */
MakeControls (selectWind);
* Process events until user quits, then clean up and exit.
SkelSetEventMask (SkelGetEventMask () | keyUpMask);
SkelSetSuspendResume (DoSuspendResume);
SkelEventLoop ();
SetEventMask(everyEvent - keyUpMask);
SkelCleanup ();